Application Deadline
The priority deadline is December 15, 2024; applications submitted after that date may be considered if space is available. Applicants to the Teaching and Extension Education Specialization will be considered on a rolling basis.
Today's organizations and communities require dynamic and inclusive leadership ready to address complex challenges. Learn to develop, train, teach, and evaluate leadership for modern society.
An M.S. degree in Leadership Education immerses students in three specific areas, 1) leadership scholarship, 2) teaching & outreach, and 3) research methods & program evaluation.
- Leadership scholarship refers to understanding the field of leadership from an evidence-based perspective, which includes leadership models & theories, leadership development & training, and leadership from several perspectives (e.g. motivation, power & influence, cultural diversity, etc.)
- Teaching & outreach refers to developing skills necessary to effectively convey information to others about leadership. For many of our students, this means that they develop skills in teaching because they will be teaching leadership or will be engaged in providing professional development. This may also include developing skills for developing programming, effective writing, teaching online, facilitation, etc.
- Research methods & program evaluation refers to developing the skills necessary to conduct research or evaluate programs related to leadership. This aspect of our program explores how we know what we know about leadership, and how we effectively contribute to that knowledge through evidence-based processes.
Candidates for the degree must possess a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution. The degree may be earned by successfully completing a minimum of 30 credit hours beyond the bachelor's degree.
The program welcomes applicants from a variety of disciplines and fields. Programs are planned to meet individual student background experiences and desired graduate program goals. Students may choose a specialization within the M.S. program (though it is not required or expected).
Program Highlights
Depending on your interests, the master's program will give you the opportunity to:
- Investigate the foundations and application in Leadership, teaching and learning
- Specialize in a specific area of leadership education
- Use methods of research and scholarship to examine one topic closely (either in a thesis or individual project)
- Build skills in your chosen area of leadership, teaching and extension
- Apply leadership knowledge gained in a variety of settings, such as education, agribusiness, non-profit, community and government organizations, and agencies
Teaching and Extension Education Specialization
The Teaching and Extension Education specialization prepares students and enhances careers and professional development in community college or university teaching, public school teaching (additional certifications and courses may be required), outreach programs, and Extension. The specialization supports the development of teacher leaders within their career in the classroom and is valuable for students planning teaching careers, as well as for individuals providing educational services. Teaching and extension courses focus on teaching strategies, program planning, adult education, innovation, and the use of technology in learning. The Teaching and Extension Education Specialization is designed to prepare or enhance your career from where you are. With distance education and hybrid options, as well as on campus offerings, you'll grow your career and your personal development where you are!
To complete the specialization, students must complete ALEC 805: Advanced Teaching Strategies and two elective courses from the following list:
- ALEC 800: Overview of Program Planning
- ALEC 802: Developing Leadership Capacity in Organizations and Communities (prerequisite of ALEC 801: Theoretical Foundations of Leadership)
- ALEC 804: Problems of the Beginning Agriscience Teacher
- ALEC 809: Diffusion of Innovations: Through and Extension Context
- ALEC 811: Principles of Adult Education
- ALEC 830: Introduction to the Development of Distance Education Courses
- ALEC 893: Technical Ag Workshop
- ALEC 890: Workshop Seminar
**Please note: The MS in Leadership Education with the Teaching and Extension Education Specialization is not a licensure program. If you are looking for certification for public education or administration in public education, please reach out to an Agricultural Education graduate faculty member.

Career Pathways
A variety of career pathways exist for this degree program, including:
- training and development,
- talent development,
- leadership development,
- extension education,
- postsecondary teaching,
- and community development.
Further Your Education Now
Degree Options & Course Requirements
Learn about the ALEC M.S. Degree Options & Course Requirements.
ALEC M.S. Application Requirements
You will have two sets of application requirements one from ALEC and the other from the Office of Graduate Studies. See what the requirements are for the ALEC M.S. in Leadership program.
ALEC Graduate Course Rotation Cycle
See what semester an ALEC graduate course is offered in.
ALEC Graduate Funding & Assistantships
Learn about ALEC graduate funding and assistantships.
ALEC Graduate Student & Faculty Handbook
Learn about ALEC policy and procedures.
UNL Graduate & Professional Course Catalog
Learn about the individual ALEC courses and what courses you will need to take.
Have Questions? Contact Us
Lindsay Hastings
Clifton Professor in Mentoring Research
Jennifer Greenlee
Graduate Support