ALEC M.S. Degree Options & Course Requirements


Option A


Option B

Non - Thesis

Option B Non-Thesis Teaching & Extension Specialization 

Courses Required (10 – 12 credits)

ALEC 801 ALEC 805 ALEC 845 ALEC 891 (1 credit hour) 

ALEC 801 or 802
ALEC 805
ALEC 804 891
ALEC 845 
Electives / Minor (8 – 14 credits)8 hours (depends on professional goals in consultation with advisor) Minor* requires at least 9 hrs 8-14 hours (depends on professional goals in consultation with advisor) Minor* requires at least 9 hour9-12 hours (depends on professional goals in consultation with advisor and in consultation of the TE&E Specialization requirements:
Research Courses (3 – 6 credits)6 Hours Excludes EDPS 8596 hours (may include EDPS 859 depending on professional goals) 3-6 hours (may include EDPS 859, ALEC 826, and/or others depending on professional goals) 
Thesis 6 Hours – ALEC 899 Not Available Not Available 
Research Project No additional research project required in addition to the thesis Optional – up to 6 hours of ALEC 996 research project in consultation with your advisor Optional – up to 6 hours of ALEC 996 research project in consultation with your advisor 
Final Oral /Written Exam**Generally Oral Exam
  • Without research project: Generally Written exam
  • With research project: Generally Oral Exam
  • Without research project: Generally Written Exam
  • With research project: Generally Oral E
Minimum Credit Hours*** 303030

*Adding a minor to a program may require more than 30 hours. A final written minor exam is required if the student earns less than a B in any minor course.

**Advisor will determine if written oral exam is required.

***Depending on career goals, individual student programs may require more hours.

For a listing of ALEC courses, please visit: For the ALEC course rotation cycle, visit our website:

Have Questions? Contact Us

Lindsay Hastings

Clifton Professor in Mentoring Research