Donavan Phoenix

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Donavan Phoenix

Graduate Research Asst Ag Leadership Educ & Comm University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Donavan Phoenix is earning a Ph.D. in Human Sciences with a Specialization in Leadership Studies in the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He has a B.Sc. degree in Agricultural Education from Southwest Minnesota State University and a M.S. degree in Education with an Emphasis in Business from Fort Hays State University.

Prior to joining UNL, Donavan was a high school agricultural educator in Hershey, Nebraska and Redwood Falls, Minnesota. He enjoys being outdoors by means of hunting, fishing, hiking, and camping. Donavan has a background in beekeeping, aquaculture, and livestock production, all of which contributes to his professional goals as an agricultural education teacher educator.


Donavan Phoenix is working as a research and teaching assistant within the ALEC department with the Teacher Preparation faculty, under the supervision of Dr. Becky Haddad. Currently, Donavan is working with Dr. Haddad on a content analysis of teacher turnover.

Donavan's research interests include financial support for and career development through youth agricultural entrepreneurship and school-based agricultural education (SBAE) students' Entrepreneurship Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAEs), along with SBAE teacher professional development.