
The Nebraska Agricultural Technology and Mechanical Systems Career Development Event is comprised of strong technical content and complemented by the development of practical, hands-on skills. The subject matter areas ­and skill development practices have been grouped into three ‘systems’ areas, so named because of the complex interaction and synergistic processes common to agriculture. The term ‘system’ is used to emphasize the interactive relationship between each area of agricultural technology and mechanical systems. These three systems are:

  • Small Gas Engines or Hydraulic/Pneumatic
  • Electrical
  • and Machines.

AFNR Courses that align with this CDE include:  Power Structure and Technical Systems and in any given themed year the following courses could be included:

  • Agronomy
  • Large Animal Management
  • Agribusiness
  • Environmental Science

Click to Ag Technology & Mechanics CDE study materials.

Click here to view a video overview of the 2022 CDE.


Dan Stehlik
Ag Mechanics Lecturer

Taylor Hendrix
Office Associate

Download Handbook & Rules

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Interested in careers in Agricultural Technology and Mechanical systems? Visit the sites below to find out more about degrees, opportunities and careers related to this area.